SturdyCobble의 마인크래프트/게임 블로그

As I mentioned earlier, I made a airship by combing flying machine and cart assemly (in create 0.3). Because there's no direct method to accomplish air freight system, I think it could be utilized in mant ways.



As you can see, we just drop the cart connected with airship-like blocks on the flying-machine. It is quite complicated part because you can't see through the blocks. It is possible because in create 0.3, moving blocks are not regarded as a rigid one until collide with entity. (So you need to put cart on the flying machine)


 If you use more complicated flying machine, you might be able to make a controllable airship but I didn't try that one.



The followings are additional stuffs I made before make airship-like cart.

+ Boat Shaped Cart


Just a cart whose cart is located under the sea (or tunnel). Not controllable.


+Cable Car


I think this is quite straight-forward.


+Belt TNT cannon (adjusting speed limit in config file needed)


It utilize the ability of belt to convey ANY entity. If you adjust the config, it is quite useful when fighting with monsters.


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